Spatial economy of the Grand Paris: Connectivity and Value Creation

With 56 new subway stations and more than 300km of new subway lines, the Grand Paris Express project will profoundly change the socioeconomic structure of the metropolitan area. This report, supported by Groupe Caisse des Dépôts, aims at better understanding the impacts of the Grand Paris Express project on the metropolitan area. A datavizualization based on this work has been launched online on the following website:


Dataviz Grand Paris


The executive summary (in French) can be downloaded below (click on the image).


Page de garde synthese grand paris


The two volumes of the report can be downloaded following the links below (in French)


Page de garde volume 1                            Page de garde volume 2

Urban Forms and the Energy Transition

The Environmental Conference, which was held in Paris on 14 and 15 September 2012, embodies the importance the President of France and the French government attach to the major environmental challenges: climate change, the scarcity of resources and the shrinking of global biodiversity. The roadmap which came out of the conference’s work sets out the path to follow to commit France to the energy transition, based on energy sobriety and efficiency and the development of renewable energy, and more generally to the environmental transition.

This report (in French), ordered by Caisse des Dépôts, investigates the role of urban form in the energy transition process to take place in French cities and urban territories. It describes into details the impacts of urban form on urban energy consumption and urban sustainability, and shows that urban planning and energy planning are among the most powerful levers for the energy transition. Three documents have been released and made available to download from this website: